One of the random signs, around school. |
It has been about 2 solid months of teaching, and I can finally say I feel like a teacher. I am currently teaching 3 grade levels, and 2 subjects: Math and English. I teach 2 classes of F/C [First Class, or as we call it in the west, Pre-K] 1 class for KG-2, and KG-3. Before the school year started, I was hoping to have a little bit older. It is quite a challaege trying to teach kids about math when they do not understand basic English words. I am starting from scratch, and this can make teaching much harder. Luckily, I am never alone in the classroom, and my Thai is getting better and better each day. There is usually a TA [Teachers assistant] and the regular classroom teachers.
The school day is made up of 9 periods (including Lunch and nap time- for me and the students) Hahah. I actually have a blow up pillow in my desk for when I am finished with my work for the day. It is completely acceptable for me to put my head down and nap. As long as my work for the day is complete, and all my books are up to date with "Marking".
There are 4 things foreign teachers have to do to keep their job.
1. Show up
2. Dress nice
3. Do not get behind on your marking.
4. Do not cause any problems.
(This one is easier said than done, Thai people can be very finicky! )
Here I am at my desk. [I felt this caption was absolutely necessary ;) ] |
Simple task you may think, but the word Tedious does not begin to describe the way Asians work. It's no wonder they are so good at math. A 5 page word problem is like crack to them. They use their rulers for everything, even to write the straight edge of a letter, for word searches they make 2 lines with their ruler around the word and then connect them free hand. SO, you could imagine what our books have to look like.
Rules to Marking your workbooks:
1. Must be in Red Pen.
2. All ticks, or check marks must be perfectly aligned and proportional. You must sign and date every page. {I had a stamp made with my name on it, and attached it to a date stamp.}
3. IF the student did not finish, you may write "Please finish" on the page, if they then return it incomplete again, it is YOUR responsibility to finish the work. CrAzY I know, but at the end of the year these books go home with the students and the parents want to see good news, not bad. Or in reality, they want to know that their money is well spent. If you do all these things, you will succeed.
Now that we understand the rules, let me walk you through our school, and a day in the life of a foreign teacher in Thailand.
The green uniforms are for P.E. |
The day begins, when all the students are lined up in the center of the school. {I think it looks like prison. haha} The morning greeting is spoken in Thai and English, at separate times. It begins exactly like this, " Good morning teachers, students, parents, and everyone." [Who else is there?!?] A short paragraph is spoken about something western, this week we spoke about the weather, and the 4 climates.
Then on some days a short Chinese lesson, followed by marching in place like little soldiers.
(I recorded this, and will post it soon.) It is quite entertaining, and somewhat gives off the vibe of a concentration camp of some sort. They repeat Sai, Qwa, Sai. (Left, Right, Left) It was pretty creepy at
first but I am slowly beginning to realize its purpose, when they walk around the school it keeps the
students in line, and teaches them discipline.
Finally, it is announced "Please return to your classrooms under the direction of your teachers" This is the best part, they all march in unison back to their classrooms while It's a Small World is played over the loud speaker.... Every. Single. Day.
As foreign teachers we do not have our own class room, we just float from room to room teaching.
One of Nick's classrooms while the kids were at lunch.
And while he is teaching! Nick is fortunate to be teaching the older grades. He also teaches 2 subjects, Science and Social Studies to 1st,2nd,3rd,4th,5th, and 6th grade. He is able to speak English all the time, they may not fully understand but most get the gist.
This is one of the playgrounds for children under 7 to play on. Pretty sweet if you ask me!
Here is the Boy's Nurses office, Not a day goes by that I don't wish I was sleeping in these beds as I walk by..... [Hahah, don't judge me]

Today's lesson, writing the letter "B".
This little girl is the cutest! |
My kids hard at work! This picture is from Songkron (Water Festival) hence the floral shirts. |
I find this picture very entertaining, mainly because these kids are playing swinging back and forth on this white man who happens to be a pirate. |
They had a blast, they were having so much fun that one of the girls actually threw up from excitement!! Oh to be a kid again!
Peace out from Thailand <3