Sunday, May 22, 2011

How to use a toilet in Thailand.

Going to the bathroom over here can be quite an adventure, and not the good kind. So here is a short tutorial on how to use a toilet in Asia.

There are 2 options. The somewhat "Western toilet" or the "The Squatter" 


             "The Squatter"

How it works:
-Step 1 put your right foot on the ledge closest to the wall, facing away from the wall. It took me quite some time to figure this out. 

-Step 2 put your left foot on the adjacent ledge. 

-Step 3 squat down, and take care of business.

-Step 4 pick up bucket, scoop in water and splash on rear end. 

-Step 5 Drip dry, stand up and button your pants. [Travel Rule # 1 NEVER LEAVE HOME WITH OUT TISSUES]

-Step 6 Fill up bucket another time and wash away your filth. 

Supposedly it is healthier for your body to sit in this position, you see Asians doing it everywhere

its actually pretty hard to do for a long period of time, but they will sit like this for hours.

Option 2-

This is actually my bathroom in my room. "Western style" This one is a little more hygienic.


Every thing pictured comes into play!

Step 1: Take care of business.  

Step 2:  Take the hose [it is identical to the ones we have on our sinks]and spray soiled area. Wipe your self with toilet paper, and throw it away in the garbage. You're clean so you are mainly just drying your self off.  

 and finally, 

Step 3: Fill up bucket with water and flush away your waste. It is best to pour it up top to mimic whirlpool affect. I Do the whole bucket for anything solid, just to be safe! 

And there you have it folks. Now you will be prepared if you ever make your way to Asia. Most places in Bangkok have normal toilets.But they don't always have toilet paper. Remember! Never leave home with out it.

Don't forget to wash your hands on the way out! 


Which would you prefer? 


  1. Oh the whirlpool technique! You have this mastered!!!!!

    Thank you for posting this interesting, intriguing and educational tutorial on how to poop in Thailand! :)

  2. I have been waiting for an update on your blog for some time now ,and I must say that if i ever make it to Asia i will bring some depends with me ! I do thank you for the heads up . and I LOVE YOU. dad.

  3. Nice tips! I've encountered the toilet/squatter hybrid in India. ;)
